title liability

Personal Horse Owner's Liability

This insurance is designed to provide 
an individual with liability protection and defense for the actions of owned horses with regard to property damage and bodily injury on or off premises, even if the horse is kept at an independently owned stable. This coverage is not for individuals involved in commercial equine operations.

Coverage highlights:
* Coverage applies on or off premises anywhere in the U.S., Canada, territories
* Various limits available, i.e., per horse, per occurrence, and in the aggregate
* International Liability coverage for horses taken outside the continental U.S.
  to specified countries for shows, exhibitions, etc, is available
* This coverage is designed for individual horse owners. If you are involved in a
  Commercial Equine operations, please see the Commercial Equine Liability

Please contact our office to discuss you  Pleasure and Show Horse Liability  needs and to obtain a quote.